Created and maintained by volunteers working with the British Horse Society

Public Path Orders

There are FOUR common basic Types of Orders Which Affect the Paths we Ride (and Walk)

MODIFICATION ORDERS - Commonly used to add a bridleway to the definitive map.
Modification Orders affect only the recording of rights of way on the definitive map.
To put a bridleway on the definitive map using a Modification Order it must be proved
that the right of way already exists. A MO can also be used to remove a path fom the definitive map if it can be proved that no right of way has ever existed.

Importantly Modification Orders are about whether rights exist, not about whether they should be created or taken away.

DIVERSION ORDERS - Used to Divert an existing Right of Way. The landowner can apply to have an existing right of way diverted. However the diverted way must not be less 'convenient'.

Used to create a new Right of Way.  The highways authority (County Council) can issue
such an order where there is a demonstated need and taking into account other factors.

EXTINGUISHMENT ORDERS - Used to Extinguish a Right of Way. This can 
only be made on the grounds that a right of way is not needed for public use.

Orders go through various legal stages - your bridleway is not on the definitive map until the
order is CONFIRMED.